• White pepper is the husked ripe berries of the pepper plant. White pepper tastes hotter than black but is less complex, with fewer flavor notes.
  • White pepper is the husked ripe berries of the pepper plant. White pepper tastes hotter than black but is less complex, with fewer flavor notes.
  • Our Shawarma Spice is hand blended for peak flavor, aroma and freshness. Use in your favorite Shawarma recipe for the best taste.
  • Our Shawarma Spice is hand blended for peak flavor, aroma and freshness. Use in your favorite Shawarma recipe for the best taste.
  • Habash Trading proprietary spice blend perfect for seasoning your favorite steak recipes.
  • Turmeric is one of the most highly-prized spices in the world. It's often used for it's peppery flavor and unique kick it lends to foods. Turmeric also has many unique health benefits.
  • Ginger is a hot, fragrant kitchen spice. Fresh ginger is one of the main spices used for making lentil curries and other vegetable preparations. Ginger can be used to spice tea and coffee and has a plethora of uses such as it's many health benefits, to which ginger is often praised.
  • Red pepper comes from the cayenne pepper and adds heat an flavor to any dish
  • Ginger is a hot, fragrant kitchen spice. Fresh ginger is one of the main spices used for making lentil curries and other vegetable preparations. Ginger can be used to spice tea and coffee and has a plethora of uses such as it's many health benefits, to which ginger is often praised.
  • The main spice used in seasoning a famous Arabian dish of meat with rice. Kebseh is excellent in stir-fries, marinades and as a meat rub.
  • Kedreh is the main spice used in a classic Arabian dish. This unique spice blend creates a classic taste combined with the fact that the water used to cook the chickpeas is also used for the meat; which is then again used to cook the rice giving the final dish layers of flavor.


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